Monday, June 27, 2011
Big Fat Giveaway.....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Running shoes please.....
The hubby and I started our marathon training this week. I don't usually follow a specific plan. I kind of just do my own thing. But since this will be hubby's first full marathon, we decided to have a written schedule to tell us what we should be doing. (Hal Higdon) The marathon we are running, which is Oct 16Th, is flat and fast.
I have 433 miles on my "newest" running shoe. I do alternate my shoes, and I don't usually wear the same shoe 2 days in a row. I always know when it's time for new shoes. My shins start telling me... first kindly, and if I ignore them, then they start to scream. I didn't want them to start screaming this go-around, so I ordered some on Monday. I always buy my running shoes from runningwarehouse.com. In fact, I buy everything from there. Their customer service is awesome and it's free shipping, and I don't think I have ever waited more then 3 days to receive my goodies.
*How many miles do you put on your shoes before you NEED a new pair?
*Where do you buy your running gear?
*Do you like to follow a training plan?
*Have you checked out activeheadbands.com yet? You should.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Guest post by the twin sis... enjoy
Janice asked me to write a guest post here on her running blog. That makes me happy because I can now say, I AM A RUNNER! Sometimes I don’t think of myself as “A Runner” because I compare myself to my two sisters who are crazy runners…. but I am a runner. I know this cause I am at a point that I LOVE to run and WANT to run.

June 11th…. The Utah Valley Marathon, which was suppose to be mostly down hill. I started my training, but due to only having 2 months between the two marathons, I knew this training would be shortened. With about a month left in my training I started to slack and lose motivation. I wasn’t running as much as I needed during the week. It really showed on my Saturday morning long runs. After shortening several runs by 4-5 miles of the scheduled miles, (due to lack of motivation) I finally got a full 20 miler in, just 2 shorts weeks before marathon #2.
Race day came and I knew I could finish, I just wasn’t sure how fast. I wanted a sub 4 hour, but with the lack of training, I wasn’t sure if that would happen.
Alarm went off at 3:15am, I got up, got dressed and ready for the race. Do I have everything.?. checked all the items off my list and made myself a peanut butter and honey bagel. Grabbed my drink and ate in the car as my husband drove me to the buses. This was really weird because in my first race I had 3 others telling me where to go and what to do…. now I’m all by myself. Time to put my big girl panties, on and figure it out on my own. I Got in line and caught the 4:00am bus. Took the 50 minute bus ride to the top of the canyon, where I waited for about an hour for the race to start. I got in line for the potties which took some time.

(She needed the GO GIRL-- LOL)
Then I wandered around and ran into a few people I knew, and then got ready to start the race. The gun went off and there I was, running my 2nd marathon. Never thought I would say that but so glad that I can and that I am.
Felt great it took a couple miles for it to thin out to a comfortable crowd. I Shed my jacket and gloves at about mile 3 or 4. The aid stations were great they started at mile 3 and were every 2 miles which was nice because when I got tired I knew I could just get to the next aid station, and then I could walk while I drank. Mile 7 was my first GU, and I kind of had to pee, and knew we would be starting to run DOWN the canyon. At this point we were just coming out of Wallsburg and I didn’t want the downhill pounding to cause me to pee my pants. (Janice insert--GO GIRL) The downfall of waiting in line is losing those precious minutes. (Go GIRL) I lost about 3 minuets. I was really looking forward to some downhill running…. Oh no, that didn’t happen, there were more hills then I had planned on. It caught me off guard a bit but I would run up the hills till I needed to walk. I was feeling great, and at the half way mark I was at 2:02…
Mile 25....
Well by mile 17 my legs started crashing. I don’t think I ever hit the wall mentally but my legs were done. I had to really talk to my body and legs to push through it. I saw my husband and daughter at mile 20.5 and was so happy to see them. Stopped and stretched and he took a picture. (To send to Janice) This took a few minutes then I was off again. Mile 25…. to my surprise a beautiful tall, spunky girl jumps in with me. It was my sister Maria. She had so much energy it just about killed me. I was dead by now and trying to put on a smile. I slowly made my way to the finish line, and finished in 4:21… taking 10 minutes off my SLC time. I’ll take it.
I am running the St George marathon (#3) in October, and by golly, my training will be different with this one…. Better.
Monday, June 13, 2011
You GO GIRL.....

The other day I was flipping through the Cabelas catalogue....( the hubs and I are getting ready for a 3 day Trek with the youth from Church.... This requires an entire post of it's own) Any who... I was flipping through and looking at all the fun things I would love to have, (even though I am not much of a camper/outdoorsy kind of gal) I found the funniest item.... and then last night my sister in law emailed this to me, because when she saw it... it made her think of me. TEEHEE... I must have mentioned one to many time about my peeing problem I tend to deal with sometimes while running. Oh the joys of child birth......
Folks I introduce the.... GO GIRL

Thursday, June 9, 2011
A family shout out.....
offer good through the month of June.
I am a family person, I love my family. Have I ever mentioned that I come from a family of 9 kids? Yep, my parents are pretty much the most amazing people ever. We are all married and have kids, except for the youngest, she hasn't started her family quit yet.
So 9+9 = 18 + 24 grand kids = one very large family. And we all REALLY TRULY like each other, of course we love each other... but we LIKE each other and we like to be around each other. It makes for loud, crazy, fun, and interesting family get together. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

She is running her 2ND marathon, which is the Utah Valley marathon. We finally have a hobby in common and we don't get to run together real often. I know she will be fine and she doesn't need me there, but it doesn't take the ache away. This marathon is pretty much in her back yard, so she gets to sleep in her own bed. Jealous!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
It's our Holiday peeps.....
First: I want to remind you all that Active Bands is offering my super cool readers a discount for the month of June. (check out the sidebar) ----------------------------------------->

"Believe and dare. Stretch far. Dig deep.
Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far one can go."
T.S. Eliot

It's OUR holiday peeps.... get out and RUN FAR!!!!