Denise over at
Running Journal has been hosting a weight loss challenge. We just send her our
% each Monday and she posts them on Wednesday. Really no rules, just eat healthy and lose weight. I have a
6% weight loss, and a few of you have asked me what I am doing.
First off.... over the last 1 1/2 years I have gained nearly 20 lbs. (moving,emotions,love food) So to start out, I was really needing to lose a bunch of weight anyways. It's not like most of the other girls, who I am sure are already teeny tiny and don't really need to lose in the first place. I NEED TO LOSE. I run all the time, and I have continued to train for and run marathons, but the weight seemed to sneak on. I was never watching or caring what I ate. I was very relaxed in my workouts, and I just didn't give any of it much thought. The Big move to Ky really messed me up. (emotional eater)
So about the time Denise started her challenge, my cousin offered up a challenge called......

There are 4 teams of 11.
Each person is responsible to get as many daily and weekly points as they can. Every Monday we turn in our points to Becky and as a team you accrue your team"s points. The 3 teams that DO NOT win for the WEEK, all (members) put in $5 to the pot. At the end of the 16 weeks (Nov 23rd)
the team with the highest grand total, wins the pot.
Here is the point break down:
Daily pts:
Exercise 6 days a week for 5 pts a day:
Drink at least 48 oz of water a day for 2 pts:
No eating after 9 Pm for 1 pt:
No sugar treats for 5 pts a day:
5 fruits/veggies a day for 2 pts a day:
lose 1 lb= 10pts.... has to be a whole lb
Measure hips and waist for 5 pts for half an inch or 10 points for a whole inch.
We also do different weekly side challenges like: No soda (14 pts) extra cardio (15pts) journaling (14pts) Fresh F/V (7) these points are all extra, on top of our daily normal points.
So my dear fellow running buddies... this is how I have lost 6% of my body weight in 2 months. YAY for me!
I will be starting up this same challenge in Jan, and it will be called Slim by Spring. Again it will be a 16 week challenge. If any of you will be interested then, let me know. I am on Facebook (I have my profile on this pages side bar) and that is how I keep in touch with most of my friends doing this challenge right now, seems to be easiest this way. It is so much fun and if you are competitive, this is right up your ally. I love having a team to chat with (on our FB group page) about my weaknesses and strengths. It helps me stay motivated, knowing I have an entire team depending on what kind of points I will accrue.
Facebook me, and we can start a list for the January (Slim by Spring) if you are interested. :)
Have a great day.