I ran my last long run before the marathon yesterday. I was able to run 22 miles, and it felt AWESOME. I was surprised how good I felt. I really think I could have kept going, but already got a late start, so by the time I finished, it was already 11:30. The marathon is Oct 18Th in Louisville. The hubs and I will also be celebrating our 12Th anniversary that weekend. I know he would rather be hunting (opening day of Muzzle loader is the 17Th) be he is so good to me and knows I am itching to run another marathon. This will make for #11. I am already trying to decide where/when #12 will be.
Congrats to all those who ran/finished the St George Marathon on Sat.
So I got in the pool and swam laps on Friday for the first time in 2 1/2 years. It felt GREAT, and I was able to swim nearly 3/4 of a mile. Can't wait to get back in the water, maybe tomorrow.
My new side challenges for this week on my FBF are #1 Eat at least 3 FRESH fruits and veggies a day. (remember we are required to eat at least 5 f/v a day, but this they need to be fresh, no juice replacements, no applesauce etc etc) not a problem for me.
#2 is to pick my own indulgence and kick it for the week. I have decided to give up chips, and bread. The no bread will be a toughie for me. I know I can do it, it's only 7 days.
Have a great day.
Oh, I'd have a HARD time with bread! You can do it!
Happy Taper and congrats on a killer 22 miler! Nothing like feeling strong at the end of your last long run.
Congratulations on your run! Having already done 10, I'm sure #11 will be another fantastic experience. That is an incredible feat to accomplish.
Best of luck on race and Happy (early) Anniversary!
Good luck on your race!
The best thing about reading your blog is I get to live vicariously through you. Everyone around here does the same ol' races. Enjoy that taper! And get 9 hours of sleep each night. (If you should for 9 a night, you might end up with 1/2 being around 8.)
so glad your long run went well, it's such a confidence booster!
i love mini challengs, they work so much better for me!
Bread is so my weakness. I have turned to oatmeal to replace my morning toast. Have a good taper!
Happy tapering!
Smart decision not taking it past 22 miles...no need to risk it. Enjoy taper!
wooooo!!! happy taper time :) rest up and get those legs fresh and ready to race!
I should try to kick chips....but oh it is sooo hard. I run so I can eat chips..
Welcome to Taper!! Man I wonder what it will feel like when I have run that many Marathons. Having only run 1 I cannot even fathom it..
OK you just made my day "hottie" really?? The only person who calls me that is my hubby and i am still convinced that his vision is off :)
I can't wait for my first Bloggy meet up and to run with a buddy.. I am toying with signing up for a Marathon training group come January.. Will have more details about it soon..
Have a GREAT weekend!
oh my gosh, i wish i had gotten in a feel good 22 miler!!!!!!! you ran a 3:27-- that's awesome!!!!!!! BQ, right????? how many marathons have you run????
good luck this weekend!!!! thanks for the comment on my blog :) i am running the Baystate Marathon in Lowell, MA!!! soooo nervous!!!! :) i will add you to my blogroll and look forward to hearing all about your race!!! :)
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