Thursday, November 3, 2011
NYC marathon or bust
My bib number is : 19722
I am in the 9:40 start wave.... so happy to be in the first of the three waves. Let's get this party started!!!!!
Ok, so I found some fun Stats for the NYC marathon. Enjoy!!!
-To get to the starting line, runners will board 12 ferries leaving from Manhattan. About 500 buses will take runners to the start at Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island from points in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Island, New Jersey and beyond.
-At the start there will be 1,694 portable toilets, 42,000 PowerBars, 90,000 bottles of water and 563 pounds of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee beans, enough to make 45,000 cups. About 500 volunteers will collect more than 10 tons of sweat suits, sleeping bags and Snuggies, much of which will be cleaned and given to charities. The bridge must be cleared within an hour of the last runner’s leaving. More than 70 United Parcel Service trucks will take the athletes’ belongings to the finish line.
-Along the course, 62,370 gallons of water and 32,040 gallons of Gatorade will be served in 2.3 million paper cups that can now be recycled, thanks to new technology. Another 60,000 PowerBar Gel packets will be available at Mile 18.
-About 11 tons of trash will be collected at the 24 fluid stations, much of it cardboard, plastic jugs and cups. The 24 station “captains” have more than 400 years of experience combined. Along the course, 137 bands (all vetted by New York Road Runners) will perform on dozens of stages. Runners can check their times on the 106 clocks on the course.
-Among the more than 6,000 volunteers on race day are medical workers at the 38 aid stations. They will have on hand 11,410 pounds of ice, 13,475 bandages, 57,059 salt packages and 390 tubs of Vaseline.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Three things Thursday
I was picking up my cute little beagle, Nellie from the vet yesterday. (She was getting her teeth scrapped and cleaned, no more, kill me with your breath-breath) While I was waiting for the front desk girl to go in the back and bring her up, I was watching this little old man.
He was in his early 70's (just a guess) and he was so funny with his dog. I don't know what kind of dog he was, but man-o-man he had an ugly face. The old guy kept saying "Calm down son" to the dog. He would talk to this dog like he was seriously his human son. It was so cute. Then when they stood up to go into the check up room to give this dog his allergy shot... I noticed the old guy had a seat belt like buckle strapped to his waist, and the dog's leash was attached to the buckle. I was very curious and at first kind of laughing in my head. I thought it was odd. I over heard him with the vet tech talking about the dogs poor vision and how dependant they are on each other. I started to think these two were just adorable. As the tech was ringing us up for Nellie's treatment, I mentioned how cute that old guy and his "son" were. She then told us that the dog is really old, and that he use to run marathons with his owner.
Rewind.... did she say marathons... that always catches my attention. The old guy still runs but can no longer take the dog because he can't see (hence the strapping of the seat belt buckle and dog leash) and the "son" has gone through chemo therapy, and numerous other surgeries. I am a huge dog lover and it just warmed my heart knowing these two loved and needed each other so much. Plus they are runners... well the son no longer runs but apparently he is still really active. Loved it!!!
2- Inspiration #2....
Had to run into the local GNC looking for a supplement for muscle recovery. Got to talking to the guy working.... maybe 28, and when I mentioned that I ran a marathon a week and a half ago and getting ready to run another in 10 days (now 9) he told me he is training for his first full marathon coming up this January in Florida. He told me he started out at 350 pounds and could barely walk up the stairs. He has now run several half marathons and weighs about 230 lbs (my guess). He was asking me all kinds of questions about motivation for reaching the 20 mile mark, and then finishing the marathon. I found it funny, because I was very touched my his inspiring story. I love hearing about people who have made a drastic life change to become healthier and to put the cherry on top... run a marathon. Awesomeness!!!!
3- Not about inspiration... just random
My quads have had a seriously hard time recovering completely from my last marathon. They don't HURT but they are super TIRED all the time. With the NYC marathon just 9 days away.... I have hit panic mode. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what I have been trying as of Tues.
- Heat therapy daily
- Salonpas patches (even though there isn't any pain)
- Took 2 rest days in a row.... didn't help
- wearing compression socks
- taking 6 pills a day of this muscle recovery stuff the GNC guy recommended
- Drinking After Shock shakes after work outs
Oh ya... and I got my NYC outfit in the mail. It's so stinking cute. But I have decided NOT to wear the green top. It's kind of buggy in the arm pits. So I will be hitting up Dick's Sporting Goods for something to match.
What has inspired you lately?
When is your next race and where is it?
What kinds of Muscle recovery supplements do you take.... if you take any?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
My NYC outfit
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Louisville Marathon race report

My quads are screaming at me, but not as loud as after most marathons. I went for an easy 30 minute recovery walk today. It was freezing cold, and I way under dressed.
Time to recover and get ready for #19 when I will be hitting the roads of NYC on Nov 6Th.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
kicking strep and running a marathon
This pic is me finishing The 2009 Louisville marathon
I started feeling sick on Saturday. I wasn't real surprised, it seems I always come down with a cold the week of a marathon. So I started the usual remedies....
Gargle warm salt water.... emergenC like its candy...... drinking warm orange juice, and rest.
I woke up at 5am on Monday to drive my sister to the Nashville airport (she and her daughters were here from Utah visiting for a week). By the time I got home at about 10:30, I knew it was more then just a cold. I called and made an apt with the doc, and by the time I got there 6 hours later, my tonsils were covered in white sores. Yep, I have strep throat, the husband has strep and my 6 year old is running a fever. Seriously? Why this week??? Ugh.
I took the penicillin shot in the left butt cheek like a champ. It hurts like a mother freaker. Y-ouch, but I'm hoping it will get me feeling better before Sunday, so that I can go on at least one easy run to test the waters.
One of my girl friends that I run with had a stroke on Sunday. She is my age....34. She has 3 small children, and she is in amazing shape. She had just come home the night before from a week long family vacation to Disney World. They were able to catch it quickly and get the medicine in her that she needed. She was able to walk down the hall in the hospital with some help. The doctors are telling her, that with 6-8 weeks of Physical Therapy, she should be able to get most of her mobility back, and even run again.
I've decided to dedicate this marathon to Lorane. She is a fighter and I know she will fight and work hard to recover quickly. I know she is looking forward to putting on those running shoes again and hitting the road. She is such an inspiration to all that know and love her. When it gets tough or when my body wants to quit, I will think of the fight Lorane is giving everyday and hope to find the strength to push through.
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011
Doggie days.....

My 2 little bugs started school last week. I am not one of those mom's that cries about having her kids gone all day. I kind of like it. My house stays clean and quiet for more the 30 min. My babies are little bookends in the elementary this year. My baby started kindergarten and my oldest is in 5th grade. How am I old enough to have a 5th grader. Yikes.
Running is going great. Still on track for my Oct 16th marathon in Louisville. I am getting nervous about NYC in Nov. Not sure where we are going to stay. I have got to get this figured out asap so that I can rest my mind a little. Best news ever..... for the next week and a half, we are fore casted mid 60's at 5 am. Wahoo. This is going to be a lovely break from the heat.
Where have you been lately? Are your kids starting school soon? Does it make you sad, or do you do the party dance?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Sweating with the sharks.....

Were you a sweating mess after your run?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Crappy runs.... but not that kind of crap

My last 2 runs have sucked rocks, and I even cried after yesterday's 6 miler. (Rested today) I usually do my long runs on Sat but had to switch to Sun just for this one weekend. I ran 14 miles and struggled the entire last 5.5 miles. (Still averaged a 9:25) I almost cut it short and quit but just slowed down and got it done. I have been feeling like I am running through mud, while breathing through a straw. I know that with distance running, you have good days and bads days, and usually I tend to have more good then bad. The kicker this time is that I had to crappy runs in a row. I know it's hot and SUPER humid.... but I am really feeling like I've been slapped in the face and the world is laughing at me. Just feel so down in the dumps today.
I had several friends on FB give me some great one liners, and some nice pick me ups, and ideas of how to find my groove again. I decided to rest today and then head out tomorrow morning with zero pressure. Just me, the road, my running shoes and hopefully I will find my happy place again.
Monday, July 11, 2011
where have I been you ask????

The one thing I am not dreaming of lately is turning 34 on the 13Th or running in New running Shoes. Actually, I don't mind getting older, and I realize that 34 is still very young. I love my new Asics, and LOVE LOVE LOVE running in new shoes.
What have you been dreaming of?
What are the temps when you run?
What fall/winter marathons or races do you have planned?
***Stay tuned for my next guest post... written by my gorgeous sister in law.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Big Fat Giveaway.....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Running shoes please.....
The hubby and I started our marathon training this week. I don't usually follow a specific plan. I kind of just do my own thing. But since this will be hubby's first full marathon, we decided to have a written schedule to tell us what we should be doing. (Hal Higdon) The marathon we are running, which is Oct 16Th, is flat and fast.
I have 433 miles on my "newest" running shoe. I do alternate my shoes, and I don't usually wear the same shoe 2 days in a row. I always know when it's time for new shoes. My shins start telling me... first kindly, and if I ignore them, then they start to scream. I didn't want them to start screaming this go-around, so I ordered some on Monday. I always buy my running shoes from In fact, I buy everything from there. Their customer service is awesome and it's free shipping, and I don't think I have ever waited more then 3 days to receive my goodies.
*How many miles do you put on your shoes before you NEED a new pair?
*Where do you buy your running gear?
*Do you like to follow a training plan?
*Have you checked out yet? You should.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Guest post by the twin sis... enjoy
Janice asked me to write a guest post here on her running blog. That makes me happy because I can now say, I AM A RUNNER! Sometimes I don’t think of myself as “A Runner” because I compare myself to my two sisters who are crazy runners…. but I am a runner. I know this cause I am at a point that I LOVE to run and WANT to run.

June 11th…. The Utah Valley Marathon, which was suppose to be mostly down hill. I started my training, but due to only having 2 months between the two marathons, I knew this training would be shortened. With about a month left in my training I started to slack and lose motivation. I wasn’t running as much as I needed during the week. It really showed on my Saturday morning long runs. After shortening several runs by 4-5 miles of the scheduled miles, (due to lack of motivation) I finally got a full 20 miler in, just 2 shorts weeks before marathon #2.
Race day came and I knew I could finish, I just wasn’t sure how fast. I wanted a sub 4 hour, but with the lack of training, I wasn’t sure if that would happen.
Alarm went off at 3:15am, I got up, got dressed and ready for the race. Do I have everything.?. checked all the items off my list and made myself a peanut butter and honey bagel. Grabbed my drink and ate in the car as my husband drove me to the buses. This was really weird because in my first race I had 3 others telling me where to go and what to do…. now I’m all by myself. Time to put my big girl panties, on and figure it out on my own. I Got in line and caught the 4:00am bus. Took the 50 minute bus ride to the top of the canyon, where I waited for about an hour for the race to start. I got in line for the potties which took some time.

(She needed the GO GIRL-- LOL)
Then I wandered around and ran into a few people I knew, and then got ready to start the race. The gun went off and there I was, running my 2nd marathon. Never thought I would say that but so glad that I can and that I am.
Felt great it took a couple miles for it to thin out to a comfortable crowd. I Shed my jacket and gloves at about mile 3 or 4. The aid stations were great they started at mile 3 and were every 2 miles which was nice because when I got tired I knew I could just get to the next aid station, and then I could walk while I drank. Mile 7 was my first GU, and I kind of had to pee, and knew we would be starting to run DOWN the canyon. At this point we were just coming out of Wallsburg and I didn’t want the downhill pounding to cause me to pee my pants. (Janice insert--GO GIRL) The downfall of waiting in line is losing those precious minutes. (Go GIRL) I lost about 3 minuets. I was really looking forward to some downhill running…. Oh no, that didn’t happen, there were more hills then I had planned on. It caught me off guard a bit but I would run up the hills till I needed to walk. I was feeling great, and at the half way mark I was at 2:02…
Mile 25....
Well by mile 17 my legs started crashing. I don’t think I ever hit the wall mentally but my legs were done. I had to really talk to my body and legs to push through it. I saw my husband and daughter at mile 20.5 and was so happy to see them. Stopped and stretched and he took a picture. (To send to Janice) This took a few minutes then I was off again. Mile 25…. to my surprise a beautiful tall, spunky girl jumps in with me. It was my sister Maria. She had so much energy it just about killed me. I was dead by now and trying to put on a smile. I slowly made my way to the finish line, and finished in 4:21… taking 10 minutes off my SLC time. I’ll take it.
I am running the St George marathon (#3) in October, and by golly, my training will be different with this one…. Better.
Monday, June 13, 2011
You GO GIRL.....

The other day I was flipping through the Cabelas catalogue....( the hubs and I are getting ready for a 3 day Trek with the youth from Church.... This requires an entire post of it's own) Any who... I was flipping through and looking at all the fun things I would love to have, (even though I am not much of a camper/outdoorsy kind of gal) I found the funniest item.... and then last night my sister in law emailed this to me, because when she saw it... it made her think of me. TEEHEE... I must have mentioned one to many time about my peeing problem I tend to deal with sometimes while running. Oh the joys of child birth......
Folks I introduce the.... GO GIRL

Thursday, June 9, 2011
A family shout out.....
offer good through the month of June.
I am a family person, I love my family. Have I ever mentioned that I come from a family of 9 kids? Yep, my parents are pretty much the most amazing people ever. We are all married and have kids, except for the youngest, she hasn't started her family quit yet.
So 9+9 = 18 + 24 grand kids = one very large family. And we all REALLY TRULY like each other, of course we love each other... but we LIKE each other and we like to be around each other. It makes for loud, crazy, fun, and interesting family get together. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

She is running her 2ND marathon, which is the Utah Valley marathon. We finally have a hobby in common and we don't get to run together real often. I know she will be fine and she doesn't need me there, but it doesn't take the ache away. This marathon is pretty much in her back yard, so she gets to sleep in her own bed. Jealous!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
It's our Holiday peeps.....
First: I want to remind you all that Active Bands is offering my super cool readers a discount for the month of June. (check out the sidebar) ----------------------------------------->

"Believe and dare. Stretch far. Dig deep.
Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far one can go."
T.S. Eliot

It's OUR holiday peeps.... get out and RUN FAR!!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Winner... and a couple of surprises.....
Ok.... So I am sure you are all on the edge of your seats waiting for me to post the winner of the most awesomeness giveaway.... (I used to generate the winning number)
The winner is Chris..... email me and I will send you 2... yes, my friend 2 (randomly picked) headbands.
janni329 @ yahoo dot com
So for the first surprise..... drum roll please...... I am giving away one more headband to one other lucky winner. I had generate 2 numbers and the winner of the other headband is....
Coupon Person email me your address and I will get your (randomly picked) headband in the mail.
For the last and finale surprise... no, I'm not giving away anymore headbands... but Active Bands is giving you all a great 20% off discount for the entire month of June. All you need to do is go shopping HERE and then enter the code jcblog20 at checkout. This is the time to stock up on all those coveted headbands, that we love so much.
Now get out of here, and go shopping.... ;)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Swirling thoughts

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Active Headbands giveaway....

What Active Bands has to say.....
Active Headbands is a company started by a mom who loves to run and workout – We believe that all females no matter their age, weight or size can benefit from an active lifestyle. So, whether you are a person who lives to work out or works out to live. We are dedicated to you our friends, family, our customer. Our mission is to provide you with a quality product that will provide style, comfort, and best of all NO-SLIP! Every woman should feel the freedom that comes from working out without having those irritating little hairs in your face!!
Our Headbands are hand-crafted by individuals who care about our customer's style and the quality of the product. We would like you to know that each Active Headband you receive from us contains a little love, and hope that you can enjoy a more comfortable, NO-SLIP work out. Thank you for visiting us! To show our appreciation, we would like to offer you a 10% discount on your next order, by letting us know what you think about the headbands or our website!
and I am not exaggerating when I say.... "They are the best headbands and truly don't slip." Plus they are so affordable, you could buy one for each day of the week... ha, or one for each outfit.

For numerous entries do the following....
1- Become a Follower of this blog, if you are already, just tell me in a comment.
2- "Like" Run Far on Facebook.... Here
3- "Like" Active Bands on Facebook.... Here
4- Link back to this giveaway via, blog post, Facebook post or twitter... you may post daily for an additional entry. Just be sure to let me know in a comment.
5- Visit and tell me what your favorite headband is.
This contest will run till Tuesday, May 31st. A name will be randomly drawn and the winner will be announced by 5 Pm.
**On a side note..... Y-ouch. I set out for a 3-4 mile recovery run this morning and only made it 2 miles. It was already hot and humid... my first mistake. My blisters... or should I say Scabs, were rubbing and hurting something fierce. My legs were heavy and tired... I sound like such a whiner.... sorry. I plan on trying again in the morning and crossing my fingers for 4-6.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Scenic City Trail Marathon = super tough

Coy's husband was on the trail at about mile 8 and snapped a few pics of me. I look like a weird-o.... I think I was talking. Ya, that's it. ;)

I realize that I claimed to have had one of the hardest runs of my life back when I ran the Country Music marathon.... but that was a cake walk compared to this course. The terrain was dirt, sand, rocks, boulders, roots, and gravel. I tripped at mile 3ish and skinned up both knees. A war wound I like to call it. The terrain was very comparable to the Land Between the Lakes trail marathon I ran back in March, but Scenic City is much hillier. Their website downplayed how tough a course it really is.
By the end of the race, the temps were up to *87. I had some pretty rough heat exhaustion and I was sick the rest of the day. I didn't go into this race with a goal time.... but by mile 15, my only goal was to finish and not be dead or last. I was neither of those things and I did finish. Isn't that all that matters?
So what did you do the day the world was suppose to end?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Found this pic today. Love it.
Have you seen my motivation anywhere? I seemed to have lost my drive for running the last 2 weeks. I would really like to get it back. I think with my morning schedule being has been turned upside down since my 5 year old has been out of school. I use to hit the road/YMCA after the girls went to school, now I have to either wake at the butt crack of dawn, which I hate. Or I have to drop the little munchkin off at the YMCA at the child watch, so that I can run, or hit some weights. The temps are creeping up and so my decision is being made for me by mother nature. On the mornings I can actually drag my butt out of bed, I love it. I love running as the sun comes up, and being showered and ready by 8am.
Determined, that's what I am. I am going to be good about hitting the road in the early AM hours. What are you determined to accomplish this summer?