The race didn't start until 8am, so it wasn't an early wake up call. I took my time getting up and made my way to the start area, where I met up with these cute ladies. I use to live by them a year ago before we moved to Western Ky. I miss running with Coy. She is a super great chic.

I hit the wall at mile 16 and then by mile 18 my race turned into.... "Just cross the finish line". I was walking nearly every half mile. My hubby was able to come find me along the course about 10 different times, so it gave me something to look forward to (other then the finish line) I can honestly say I have NEVER walked so much in a marathon before. I think being sick, and not completely getting over it plus going out to fast played into hitting the wall so early and HARD.
Finish time: 4:13
Oh well....
# 18 wasn't my best nor was it my worst. 

My quads are screaming at me, but not as loud as after most marathons. I went for an easy 30 minute recovery walk today. It was freezing cold, and I way under dressed.
Time to recover and get ready for #19 when I will be hitting the roads of NYC on Nov 6Th.
wow! such a tough race! you pushed through so much and still came out with a great time. I have no doubt that you will get redemption in NYC! give your body time to heal and recover from being sick and then get out there and dominate! proud of you for staying strong to the end!
I was so glad that you were there! You had a great race! I thought so! Being sick n' all! That was pretty sweet! One of these days I'm gonna make you my pacer! I still remember just following you up Newtown Pk. on my 17 miler just working hard to keep up! Love it!!
Hope to get to see you again soon! :)
ugh, bad timing on the sickness, but congrats on making it through the race... sometimes just in the middle has to be good enough after you've run a lot of races! :)
I still can't believe you busted out a great time being so sick.
Kill it in NYC!
Sorry about the oucome of the race. Getting sick before a race is bad enough, but Strep is no joke!
No worries. Onto NY! And I love the outfit!!
Congratulations on the finish. Props for gutting it out!
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Hi. Thanks for the blog I just stumbled upon it and am in the same predicament. I'll be running a marathon, my first, this Saturday and I have strep throat. I'm trying to decide whether or not to get the shot in the bum? Because soreness didn't hinder you during the marathon?
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