Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bear Lake marathon report

Well vacation is fun and we are staying very busy with friends and family. I love being back in Utah. I miss these mountains so much. The beauty here is breath taking. Isn't it funny that it takes moving away to really appreciate it?

Even though Bear Lake is in Utah (well part of it is in Idaho) I had never been there before this race. It is the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. It is a huge, crystal clear lake that is encircled with mountains. When you drive in from the canyon and you drop down into the valley, and you look down over the lake, you are just almost speechless. I do have pictures but.... I didn't bring my camera cord. Seriously, this is the most beautiful course I have run. For the first 20 miles the lake was just to my right about 100 yards. It was cloudy and rainy for the first half of the morning, But cleared up a bit as the morning went on. The first 13 miles had a few rolling hills, which didn't bother me in the least bit, because of where I live.... rolling hills central. There were only 90 runners that started/finished the full marathon. My time was 4:11, I think I finished 29Th overall and I think I was 5Th in my age group.. not sure. The half marathon was bigger with about 2-3 hundred runners. My twin sister, our older sister and her husband all ran the half and they loved it as well. This was Jenny's first half and I am so proud of her for finishing so strong. Frances and Jenny had an awesome time of 2:09 and Brian finished first in his age group with a time of 1:46. This race is a must do. I am pretty sure if I happen to be in Utah again during this race next summer, I will be running this one again.


Marlene said...

Wow, that sounds absolutely beautiful. I'd love to see some pics once you get home!

Congratulations on another marathon!

Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

VERY cool! Must be nice to not be affected by hills :)

Get that cord I want to see pictures.

Congrats to your family too!! Twin? There are 2 of you??

Sarah said...

Congrats on a great time!!

Jamie said...

Sounds like a cool race - can't wait to see the pics! Congrats on the great finishing time!

Denise said...

Sounds like a beautiful race. Congrats! 5th in age group is awesome.

Missy said...

Sounds gorgeous! I'm jealous. Congrats on a strong finish, what a great trip for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Bear Lake is beautiful!! I have only driven through the area, never stayed there but none the less. glad you had a good race, do you want to to Wasatch Back for me this weekend? I am freaking out a little :)

Baldwincrew-blog said...

I loved... loved... loved... it and I will do it again next year. Maybe I can get my butt in gear and do the full with you. Not!!! But I am pretty funny. love ya!

Bethany said...

Wow! Fast legs must run in the family!!! Great job to you all :)

Stacey said...

Sounds like a fabulous race. I have never done Bear Lake, I will have to do it one day. Great job to all of you!

The Bensons said...

Yeah!!! I was thinking about you while we were standing in the rain early that morning! Congrats! You did awesome!

Diana said...

You make running a marathon sound like just a little walk in the park! Congrats! Can't wait to see some pics, sounds beautiful. There are so many special places in this country, thank god for running so we take the time to enjoy them!

FLYERS26 said...

Awesome job!!
We want pics, I bet it was a very scenic race.

Lisa said...

THAT is exactly the kind of race I want to run! Nice and small... totally picturesque. I think I am burned out on the HUGE races of Southern CA.

I can't wait to see pictures.

{will run for margaritas} said...

YAY!! Congrats on a great run - you go girl!

This race sounds awesome and I would love some more info (I also *LOVE* Utah and Idaho). Hope you are having a blast on vacation! Can't wait to see pictures :)

Being Robinson said...

oooo can't wait to see those pictures, sounds like an amazing race. congrats on the marathon!!

Sonia said...

that sounds like a family affair! Congrats to everybody on great results! And to you for marathon numero 10!!

RunnerMom said...

I definitely want to see some pictures of that lake. Congrats on another well-run marathon!!
You make me want to run there!

Kim said...

Sounds amazing! And oh so fun to have family to run it with. Great job on your time. I wish I could run that fast!

Aron said...

soooo awesome :) congrats on another great marathon finish!

Sher said...

Good job! i thought about doing this one, but decided it was too far to just drive up the morning of, and i couldn't justify leaving my hubby home to watch the kids over night for 2 weekends in a row, since it was 1 week before Ragnar.
Maybe next year.