I have this marvelous friend. When we moved to KY, she was so kind to me and my family. She is one of a kind. She says it how it is and she is also just so much fun to be around. She lost around 40 lbs on weight watchers over the last 2 yrs or so.... (Karen, am I right?) and she has also become a runner in the process. She amazes me with her drive for more, longer, better. I don't know how old she is, and I am not even going to guess, but I know she knows a hell of a lot more about life then I do, and I really appreciate all advice I receive from her. Cool thing, she has been coming to me for running advice. What? who am I to give advice? Sure I have run 11 marathons, 12 half marathons, and countless other 5K's and 10K's, but me... really? So I do my best to answer her questions, and I love it. I love feeling like I have something I can give back to her. She has run a number of 5K's this year, and her distance is up to a 10K. She has made the goal and found the desire to run her first half marathon in Lexington Ky, this coming March. I am so proud of her.
So to the question. She has been reading a book on running, a beginners book. She couldn't remember the name or author as we were chatting. The book tells her NOT to lift weights on her lower body, on days she cross trains. I really have not thought about it. I am that runner that has NEVER followed any sort of running plan. I have always done my own thing. (which hasn't been to shabby as far as my times go) I only lift weights maybe twice a week and even then, it's mostly squats and lunges and dead lifts. I never use the machines. I NEVER do calve raises or anything to strengthen my shin muscles. So, I didn't have an answer for her on this one. So I told her I would shoot out this question or concern to all my wonderful, fellow running/bloggy buddies. What do you think?
Should she be lifting her lower body on her cross train days?
BTW- I was able to run 6 miles outside today... PAIN FREE. I am thinking the ankle is def on the mend. It felt so good to run outside. It has been 3 weeks. YAY!!!!!!!!
I am rocking my HBBC points. There are several others with much higher points then me, but I am very happy with where I am.