Thursday, December 31, 2009
I noticed yesterday, that if I ran 2 miles today, (Thur) then I would be at 1,230 miles for the year of 2009. So I ran 2 miles on the treadmill. I thought about running 6 miles, then my number would be 1234, but I am planning on 10 miles tomorrow, for the 10 for '10. (You know... to celebrate 2010)..... so I didn't want to push the miles today.
I was planning/hoping to get around to posting about all my marathons in 2009.... not sure I am in the mood. Sorry. So this is what you get.
Happy New Year to you all. Be safe and happy.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
yay me... and Holiday GU?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
POP goes the ankle????

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
For Tall Mom.....

* Yesterdays HBBC points
Boot camp for 75 min = 4 pts
15 min on the elliptical= 1 pt
* Today's HBBC points
Spinning for 45 min = 3 pts
3 mile run = 3 pts
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
what a random thing to do.... and I did it.
45 Spinning (3 HBBC pts)
3-5 miles on the treadmill... ended up going only 3, had a bit of pain (3 HBBC pts)
15 min of abs (1/2 HBBC pt)
15 min on the elliptical (1 pt)
7 1/2 HBBC pts
So this morning I went to Spin class, it was wonderful, as usual. I love it. Kicks my trash. Then because it was raining outside and I am still trying to get over this cold/sinus infection I decided to run on the treadmill. As I got about 4 min in, I was feeling a bit of ankle pain again, not to bad, but I decided to jump off to the sides and massage and stretch my ankle area. As I looked down, I noticed I was wearing 2 DIFFERENT running shoes. They are both Pink and Both Asics. Oh my word, I was so embarrassed. I turned to my friend who was on the treadmill next to me and pointed it out. She claims you could barely tell a difference. What a strange and weird thing to do/happen. Only me... I swear if my head wasn't attached, I would lose it all the time.

Right Foot

Monday, November 30, 2009
question......... please help
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
well maybe not.....
I found this funny comic... enjoy.

*Oh ya... I am on day 2 of Amanda's HBBC... I am at 10 points... will be 13 if I decide to go to spin tonight. YAY!!!! The one I will struggle with is the 7 F/V a day... pretty sure I will never get that point per day. yikes.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
can I get a WOOT WOOT........
I am grateful for 2 miles of pain free running,. WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
HBBC and my ankle...............

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Grateful post

Thursday, November 12, 2009
a very sad and depressing 100th post
*I do not have another marathon planned till Feb.
* Feeling pain in my left ankle/foot while out running yesterday.
*Not going home for the Holidays is making me very sad. Didn't think it would bother me much, but as we get closer to Thanksgiving and our families are finalizing plans, it makes me have a bit of anxiety that we are staying here.
*I have a nasty cold and it is kicking my trash. I just want to cut my head off.
* The 4 yr old needs to have about 8-9 teeth fixed. They are so severe, they feel the best option is to use general anesthesia in the OR at the Hospital. UGH.... $$$$$$
*The hubby is finally finished with budget season, and now he is spending his time hunting, so still no hubby to speak of. (although he just killed his first white tail buck, we have mule deer in Utah)
* I haven't lost any weight in about a week a half... pisses me off... gotta make some changes.
So how is that for sad and depressing???? Happy 100Th post to me.
Monday, November 9, 2009
you snooze, you lose.............
I would like to advise you of something NOT to do in the bloggy/running world.
From my experience, I would suggest, you DON'T blog about your next race/marathon until after you have actually registered for the race/marathon and are an official contestant of that race/marathon. Other wise, if you do not follow my advice, you might find that after your blog post about your upcoming marathon, many friendly and kind comments were left on your behalf. You know.... like, "Good luck" "Wow, your 12Th marathon, amazing" things of this nature. All though the wonderful comments will make you feel like super women at the time, you will find how embarrassed you will feel, when you finally go to register for said race/marathon, and find the race is closed. So please my dear readers/running friends/bloggy Buddies......... take my advice, and register for the race before you inform the WWW, that you will be running X race, and hope for X time. You will save yourself some pouting time, and some serious embarrassment.
***if you have not caught on.... Janice here, blogged about my next race, and then finally after a week and a half, decided to actually register, and found it to be closed. Dang. Dang. Dang!
So whats next you ask?!?! I have no freaking idea. Stay tuned, and when she figures it out, she will blog about it. But not till after she registers..............
Monday, November 2, 2009
I am a winner..... and a witch vs Cinderella

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
my next poison

Monday, October 26, 2009
Tall moms giveaway and my next poison....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Post race blues..........
Today I ran 4 miles at a much faster, yet still recovery pace. I took the iPod, not Mr Garmin. Legs are much better, but looking forward to Yoga class and a nice easy 3 miler again tomorrow. I am still in weight loss mode and so not pushing my workouts, is pretty frustrating. I know the recovery process is important, so I am trying to be patient.
Does anyone else get the post race blues??? I do, and I am trying to pull myself out of it by finding my next marathon....
I think I have my next marathon down to two choices.
Choice A.... Atlanta, Ga Marathon on Nov 26Th... Thanksgiving. How fun. We are NOT going home to Utah for the Holiday, so how fun to run a FULL marathon instead. Depends on what the hubby thinks would be fun, it's his holiday break as well.
Choice B.... Rocket city marathon in Huntsville AL, on Dec 12Th. This race looks fun, and sounds like an easy BQ. We shall see.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Louisville marathon race report

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Missing my sisters.... and what to wear

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
T-minus 5 days.....
Monday, October 5, 2009
It's taper time baby!!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009
My FIT BY FALL Challenge

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
This and That
My little Morgan will be 4 on Saturday. When did this happen? Geesh. She acts more like she is turning 16. I just adore my girls. They are both very different in personality and look. They bring me so much Joy.
My mother and father in law are here for a little visit from Utah. My girls couldn't sleep last night, knowing Grandma and Grandpa were on their way. They were also up at the butt crack of dawn with more excitement then I've seen in a while. :)
My hubby is so busy with work right now. He is the CFO at the hospital here in town, and the poor economy is affecting them big time. It is budget season and things are just not looking bright for them. He is always stressed and rarely wants to go out and do anything, he is always bringing home work and has his nose in his computer. I feel terrible for him. It is also hunting season and he is not getting much time, if any, to get out and do what he enjoys the most.
Miles for September: 139
My Marathon is in 2 1/2 weeks. I am running my last Loooong run Sunday morning. Crossing my fingers for 22.....
Good luck to all my peeps who are running the St George Marathon on Sat. I am so jealous. This is by far, my favorite marathon. To bad I live 2000 miles away. Maybe next year.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Why do Perverts have to ruin a good run?
Today while running, I left from the Y and head up main street... literally 100 feet from the Y is a Family Dollar. As I was running past I saw a dirty old man standing against the pillar playing with his cell phone. I was minding my own business and just slightly glanced over at him while I ran past. OMG.... can you believe he had his fly gaping open and wearing nothing under his pants, and his MR was hanging out. YES, folks... his MR was hanging out. I didn't say anything (of course) just kept running... FAST. Of course the rest of my run I couldn't stop thinking about how disgusting it was. I am sure this is what he wanted... Me, thinking about his MR. I wasn't really thinking about his MR... I was thinking about how RUDE, CRUDE, and WRONG it is for someone to be like that. The problem is... this is not the first time this has happened to me. About 8 yrs ago I was out running and caught a SICK-O PERVERT masturbating.... I know, right? I have crappy luck.
Anyways, what if I had been walking into the store with my daughters? I mean come on... I seriously wanted to call the cops, but #1 No Cell phone #2 didn't want to deal with any of the drama #3 I didn't have time to stop my run. I am so mad. Why do these sick-o perverts have to ruin our joy of running?
* Yes, I realize my last post was a video of Nike's Naked Running Camp.... oops.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cemetery running?!?!
Monday: 7 miles tempo
Tuesday: Boot Camp at the Y
Wednesday: 45 min Spinning, 6 miles and 15 min on the rowing machine
Thursday: 75 min of Yoga, 4 or 5 miles running, maybe the rowing machine
Friday: 30 min weights upper body, rowing machine, maybe 30 min Elliptical or rest day
Saturday: 20 mile long run
Sunday: rest or 3-4 mile recovery
I want to run everyday, and when I run, I want to run far and as hard as I can. I just love running, there is nothing else like it. I am a running FREAK!
I also really enjoy some extra workouts the Y offers, and I love doing the workouts and gabbing with friends. (since I always run alone) I am just tired. I have cut out the Diet Soda.. I am not a coffee drinker and I am just feeling tired. I know I need more vitamin C, so I am eating more oranges and I actually really enjoy a boiled egg at each snack. YUMMY- Seems to help.
I am not a big morning person. I don't enjoy being up before the sun, and so sometimes it is torture for me to get my long runs in on Sat before the heat hits. (nice the weather is cooling down) During the week I head to the Y and drop of my 4 yr old at the child watch and do my running and other classes. When I run from the Y, I have certain loops, or out and back routes that I enjoy. Sometimes I will be about .5 mile the Y and still feeling great so I will run into the cemetery and do one loop to add an extra mile. I love this loop. It is quiet, peaceful, it smells good, you know, like fresh flowers and trees. I had heard of people running in the cemetery before and always thought is was so weird. I am sorry to you all. I am now a Cemetery runner. I love seeing the older ladies that walk the cemetery and they always have a huge smile and wave for me. Do any of you run through your local cemetery? or do you think I am crazy?
BTW- Marlene is having a great giveaway on Halo Headbands. Go Check it out.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Musings during my 8 miler
OK, I love the Dixie Chicks, but do I really want to run to their music?
That's much better....
I hope Mr Big Black Barking dog is not out today....
Phew, he must be sleeping still.....
I love me a good uphill.....
I think it might rain.....
It's super humid, but not to hot this morning.....
Oh, how cute are those old men Golfing?
Today is weigh in day, I wonder how much I lost.....
Sure hope everyone turns their points in on time today.....
I can't believe I am going to attempt the NO SODA for a week....
I know I can...
I know I can.....
Geesh, car... didn't you see me? Get out of my way....err...
Dead Frog... scared the $%^& out of me.....
Don't look at me you dirty old man.....
I am really sweating a lot today..... YUCK.
I miss my family and friends in Utah.....
It's sure pretty here in Ky though.....
Hello Horse........
Dog..... phew, behind the fence.
***10 min after my return to home........
I sure am Happy I got my 8 miles in before the HUGE-O THUNDERSTORM hit.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
my 20 miler 1500 miles away from home.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Well look at that......
I set my alarm for 6:30 and hit snooze once. Got up, dressed, ate and out the door by 7:00 am. I was planning on 14 miles but felt really good so squeezed in another mile. When I left the house it was 57* out and it sure felt nice. It was the perfect morning for a long run. There was a little fog out and around the trees and the farms. It was so pretty. I knew from the sec I walked out the door, it was going to be a good one, and it was.
15 miles......2:14
I keep going back and forth about which marathon to run. I am going to aim for the Air Force marathon which is in Dayton, Oh on Sept 19Th. It looks and sounds like a fun one.
Friday, August 21, 2009
what's one more challenge?!?!
The third challenge is being hosted by Denise at "Running Journal". Really the only rules are to eat healthy, lose weight, weigh in on Tuesdays and report our % lost to Denise, and then she reports every ones % lost on Wed. This Challenge is going until Oct 27Th.
I am so excited to make some (hopefully) permanent healthy habits through out these next few months. My weight is always roller coastering (even with all my running, I love to eat) and I hope I can get back to my goal weight and maintain.
P.S. My good Friend Wendy is going to work with me on my swimming. There is a tri next June she wants me to do with her and two of our other friends. So in the next month, I will be adding swimming to my workout routine.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Gotta hurry, offer ends tomorrow
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
aWeSoMeLy wOnDeRfuL!!!!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hiddy hoe runner friends......
Monday, August 10, 2009
Side note-
This little challenge I am a part of.... My team won for the first week. I lost 2 pounds. YAY me. I have been drinking so much water, I know this is partly why my running feels so much smoother and stronger. I have cut my Diet Soda drinking in half. I hope to be off it completely by next Monday.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
a great 10 miler... and my new challenge
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Running Sunglasses & my Forerunner 305....
However, today's visit opened my eyes to something I have never invested in.
Running Sunglasses!
The doctor informed me, she noticed I am beginning to show signs of sun damage to my eyes. WHAT THE H?!?!
I am only 32.... I wear sunglasses when I drive and play out with the kids, most of the time. I am thinking (and the doc agreed) All these years of running in the sun, is finally starting to catch up with me. So now, I need to find a good pair of running sunglasses. Sad thing is, this summer I noticed my first sun spots on my face as well. UGH...
anyways.... hook me up. What kind of sunglasses do you wear? where to buy? what to look for? help me out people.
On another note.
My Forerunner 305 is pooping out on me. I charged it the other night, ran 4 miles, then the next time I used it, it died on me. I plugged it back in, and now it wont turn on. Have any of you had something like this happen with your Forerunner? If so.... what are my options? Can't buy a new one right now. My trusty old friend is over 2 years old now. I love him and I am really missing him. One other thing about my watch. I have been picking it up on and off all day, just checking on it. Every time I do, Nellie the dog, will bark at me thinking I am going for a run. I can't trick her anymore. She can smell my running clothes the sec they come out of my drawer and she knows when I have been leaving her behind. I just don't want to take her everyday. I feel 2-3 times a week is enough for her. She believes otherwise.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
You just might not.....
* be able to fall asleep because you think each shape in the darkness is that scary little b^@#!....
* be able to close your eyes without seeing her scary nasty face and teeth from the end of the show.....
* be able to stop thinking about that poor family and the horrible things they went through....
* be able to wake up to your alarm for your early morning run, and then you would have to run in the heat and humidity and have to cut your miles, because you were just to tired.
Never do that.......
BTW..... the movie "The Ugly Truth" is HiLaRiOuS.....
Ok... Mel from "Tall mom on the run" is hosting another great giveaway.
Click here to check it out.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Life is like running a marathon.....
Saturday, July 25, 2009
new shoes and "The Ugly Truth"
I love them. I fell in love with the Kayano 15 back in Feb when I purchased my first pair. I ran 3 marathons in them, and my feet are ready for a new pair. I was just thrilled to find they have them in Pink. (tis my favorite color)
I am hoping, with the purchase of some very cute, comfy, much needed shoes, I will get remotivated. Since my return from Utah, I have had a hard time finding the drive to get back into training mode. I have decided to run the Louisville Marathon on Oct 18Th. It's only an hour away and it's also my 12Th wedding anniversary, so the hubs and I thought we would make a weekend of it.
I just hope I can wake up for my 7 am run.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I really am alive......

My birthday was Yesterday. {32} and this is what the hubby got me. First time he has ever bought me jewelry. I think he did a great job, simple, yet pretty.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bear Lake marathon report
Even though Bear Lake is in Utah (well part of it is in Idaho) I had never been there before this race. It is the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. It is a huge, crystal clear lake that is encircled with mountains. When you drive in from the canyon and you drop down into the valley, and you look down over the lake, you are just almost speechless. I do have pictures but.... I didn't bring my camera cord. Seriously, this is the most beautiful course I have run. For the first 20 miles the lake was just to my right about 100 yards. It was cloudy and rainy for the first half of the morning, But cleared up a bit as the morning went on. The first 13 miles had a few rolling hills, which didn't bother me in the least bit, because of where I live.... rolling hills central. There were only 90 runners that started/finished the full marathon. My time was 4:11, I think I finished 29Th overall and I think I was 5Th in my age group.. not sure. The half marathon was bigger with about 2-3 hundred runners. My twin sister, our older sister and her husband all ran the half and they loved it as well. This was Jenny's first half and I am so proud of her for finishing so strong. Frances and Jenny had an awesome time of 2:09 and Brian finished first in his age group with a time of 1:46. This race is a must do. I am pretty sure if I happen to be in Utah again during this race next summer, I will be running this one again.
Monday, June 8, 2009
3 week vacation and my #10.....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
National Running day for everyone.......
Friday, May 29, 2009
another use for the GPS....
he mowed last night and after mowing two directions... front and back. He walked a grand total of 2.2 miles. I wasn't real surprised. I thought that going over the lawn once would be about a mile. Greg wanted/thought it would be a lot further then that.
Well I ran my 20 mile run last Saturday, and it was awesome. I felt so dag gum good. I really think that if it hadn't been in the 80's by the time I finished up my 20 ,that I could have and would have been able to go a full 26.2. That is how good I felt. I always find it so strange how one week you have an amazing run and then the next week you can suck rocks. Let's hope that tomorrows 13-15 miles is another great run and not a rock sucker.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
happy long weekend every one.
Have a fun and safe weekend!!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
MIA.... and p90x
P90X baby!
My husband and I started Monday morning and these workouts are definitely not for a beginner, and that is just what my hubby is right now. He has not exercises since November and he is struggling with the workouts. Who am I kidding, I am too. They are tough but I am determined to get through the 90 day program and have lost 15 pounds and toned up a alot. We are following their eating schedule and it isn't bad, their recipes are yummy and I have not felt hungry once. But..... when I run (which is extra for this program, but I have another marathon June 13Th) I feel totally famished. I just don't have the energy I need to get through my runs like I want. I have 18 miles tomorrow and I have adjusted my eating a little yesterday and today to help me get through the miles.
Also.... I have booked my tickets for my two girls and I to fly to Utah for most of June, and I am SO SUPER excited. This week has been the week for Season finales of lots of shows I watch and I am so happy I have my trip to look forward to. Don't hate me cause I am a TV watcher.. I don't have much of a life since moving to Ky...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Flying Pig race report

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Flying Pig Marathon

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Kentucky Derby Marathon race report

I of course forgot to put sunscreen on, so I am toasted. I am a little sore today, but not bad at all. I think that is because I walked so much. The last 6 miles were hell, and everyone was walking more then once a mile. I drank so much water and Gatorade. I wanted to be sure I stayed hydrated, and I did. By mile 20 I had to pee again, so I knew I was staying hydrated. I heard siren after siren after siren and I knew it was other runners that couldn't make it to the finish line, and I was determined to cross the finish line and still be standing. I was, and my chip was 4:23:30..... A little slower then I wanted, but I will take it.