Everyday for the last month I have been receiving an email notification, informing me how many days till the FLYING PIG MARATHON. Today it says 2 days till race day. (More like 2 days and 17 hours) Am I ready??? Maybe.
I want to feel ready. I didn't REALLY train for this marathon, as far as time. I trained for a half marathon which was at the end of March and after that race, I realized it was time to register for the Pig. I was also very behind on my long runs. So basically my training for this marathon was one 20 miler, then a 10, then a 23 miler. Ya... not the best idea. I am still holding out for a decent time.
Also, this week I have been fighting a little head cold. I seem to always come down with something during taper. What is up with that? My last few runs have kind of sucked rocks, and my 25 min swim yesterday was not to much fun either.
The weather is also showing Scattered thunderstorms. hmmm, could be fun.
Aunt flow will be visiting that day as well. Lucky me.
So my plan for race day is to stick with the 3:40 pace group until I just can't hang on any longer. I really hope I come in under 3:40:59.... BQ baby. If I don't, no biggie.
Did I mention this is marathon #12? This is also the Pigs 12th annual marathon. How great.
Good luck to all my other fellow racers this weekend. Make it a good one.