Sometimes I feel like this when I haven't blogged in forever...... like I am in trouble.

Sometimes I feel a little like this..... like I am just to busy watching the world go by. (Or just busy with the kids)

Sometimes I feel like this.... Just wanting or needing some attention from anyone. It sure gets lonely when you live 1500 miles away from your friends and family.

But I was able to go out to Utah for a quick visit and had some awesome sister time. Five of us (plus 2 nieces) went to Southern Utah and played. We went to Zion's National Park and hiked all day. We went and saw Grease at the outdoor Tuachan theater. We shopped, ate to much junk, swam, got to much sun and laughed a lot. It's so refreshing to spend some quality time with those you love and miss.
The twinner and I on our way to Angels Landing

At the end of our already super fabulous day at Zion's.... we were blessed with this beauty. Oh my gosh, it was the perfect ending to the perfect day. GORGEOUS!!!!!
My 2 little bugs started school last week. I am not one of those mom's that cries about having her kids gone all day. I kind of like it. My house stays clean and quiet for more the 30 min. My babies are little bookends in the elementary this year. My baby started kindergarten and my oldest is in 5th grade. How am I old enough to have a 5th grader. Yikes.
Running is going great. Still on track for my Oct 16th marathon in Louisville. I am getting nervous about NYC in Nov. Not sure where we are going to stay. I have got to get this figured out asap so that I can rest my mind a little. Best news ever..... for the next week and a half, we are fore casted mid 60's at 5 am. Wahoo. This is going to be a lovely break from the heat.
Where have you been lately? Are your kids starting school soon? Does it make you sad, or do you do the party dance?