Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Winner... and a couple of surprises.....
Ok.... So I am sure you are all on the edge of your seats waiting for me to post the winner of the most awesomeness giveaway.... (I used random.org to generate the winning number)
The winner is Chris..... email me and I will send you 2... yes, my friend 2 (randomly picked) headbands.
janni329 @ yahoo dot com
So for the first surprise..... drum roll please...... I am giving away one more headband to one other lucky winner. I had random.org generate 2 numbers and the winner of the other headband is....
Coupon Person email me your address and I will get your (randomly picked) headband in the mail.
For the last and finale surprise... no, I'm not giving away anymore headbands... but Active Bands is giving you all a great 20% off discount for the entire month of June. All you need to do is go shopping HERE and then enter the code jcblog20 at checkout. This is the time to stock up on all those coveted headbands, that we love so much.
Now get out of here, and go shopping.... ;)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Swirling thoughts

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Active Headbands giveaway....

What Active Bands has to say.....
Active Headbands is a company started by a mom who loves to run and workout – We believe that all females no matter their age, weight or size can benefit from an active lifestyle. So, whether you are a person who lives to work out or works out to live. We are dedicated to you our friends, family, our customer. Our mission is to provide you with a quality product that will provide style, comfort, and best of all NO-SLIP! Every woman should feel the freedom that comes from working out without having those irritating little hairs in your face!!
Our Headbands are hand-crafted by individuals who care about our customer's style and the quality of the product. We would like you to know that each Active Headband you receive from us contains a little love, and hope that you can enjoy a more comfortable, NO-SLIP work out. Thank you for visiting us! To show our appreciation, we would like to offer you a 10% discount on your next order, by letting us know what you think about the headbands or our website!
and I am not exaggerating when I say.... "They are the best headbands and truly don't slip." Plus they are so affordable, you could buy one for each day of the week... ha, or one for each outfit.

For numerous entries do the following....
1- Become a Follower of this blog, if you are already, just tell me in a comment.
2- "Like" Run Far on Facebook.... Here
3- "Like" Active Bands on Facebook.... Here
4- Link back to this giveaway via, blog post, Facebook post or twitter... you may post daily for an additional entry. Just be sure to let me know in a comment.
5- Visit ActiveHeadbands.com and tell me what your favorite headband is.
This contest will run till Tuesday, May 31st. A name will be randomly drawn and the winner will be announced by 5 Pm.
**On a side note..... Y-ouch. I set out for a 3-4 mile recovery run this morning and only made it 2 miles. It was already hot and humid... my first mistake. My blisters... or should I say Scabs, were rubbing and hurting something fierce. My legs were heavy and tired... I sound like such a whiner.... sorry. I plan on trying again in the morning and crossing my fingers for 4-6.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Scenic City Trail Marathon = super tough

Coy's husband was on the trail at about mile 8 and snapped a few pics of me. I look like a weird-o.... I think I was talking. Ya, that's it. ;)

I realize that I claimed to have had one of the hardest runs of my life back when I ran the Country Music marathon.... but that was a cake walk compared to this course. The terrain was dirt, sand, rocks, boulders, roots, and gravel. I tripped at mile 3ish and skinned up both knees. A war wound I like to call it. The terrain was very comparable to the Land Between the Lakes trail marathon I ran back in March, but Scenic City is much hillier. Their website downplayed how tough a course it really is.
By the end of the race, the temps were up to *87. I had some pretty rough heat exhaustion and I was sick the rest of the day. I didn't go into this race with a goal time.... but by mile 15, my only goal was to finish and not be dead or last. I was neither of those things and I did finish. Isn't that all that matters?
So what did you do the day the world was suppose to end?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Found this pic today. Love it.
Have you seen my motivation anywhere? I seemed to have lost my drive for running the last 2 weeks. I would really like to get it back. I think with my morning schedule being has been turned upside down since my 5 year old has been out of school. I use to hit the road/YMCA after the girls went to school, now I have to either wake at the butt crack of dawn, which I hate. Or I have to drop the little munchkin off at the YMCA at the child watch, so that I can run, or hit some weights. The temps are creeping up and so my decision is being made for me by mother nature. On the mornings I can actually drag my butt out of bed, I love it. I love running as the sun comes up, and being showered and ready by 8am.
Determined, that's what I am. I am going to be good about hitting the road in the early AM hours. What are you determined to accomplish this summer?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A wet, stinky, cheer leading, trail running mess.... ;)

Even though I have my next marathon in just a week and half... I am finding it hard to scrounge up the motivation I need to get me out on the road.... ugh. Hope it passes quickly.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Country Music Marathon Race Report
I admit I am not a writer. I'm not funny. I'm not witty. I'm not a great blog read. I don't post on this blog for anything other then having a running journal, so you all get to read some of my thoughts, even if it resembles vomit on a page. So I struggle with what to blog about. Sometimes I feel guilty for not being a daily blogger (or journal-er) But I'm pretty sure no one wants to read my daily thoughts or concerns, even if it is about running.
So when I have a marathon that I am super disappointed in and not excited to journal about, it takes some serious teeth pulling to get me to update the ole blog. So here it is... my sucky marathon #16 race report.
We (the hubby and I) made the 2 hour drive down to Nashville on Friday, and barely had time to get into the super crazy and crowded Expo before it closed. Here we are just after picking up our numbers.
As we made our way out of the Expo, I spotted this beauty. I found this to be funny. I'm kicking myself for not going inside and snapping a pic of the inside.
Greg and I at the start line.
We were in Corral #6 out of 30. Greg ran the half marathon and I ran the full. We were able to run the first 11 miles together before splitting off. We went out way to fast (my fault) and with the hilly course, going out to fast, and the heat, this was a recipe for disaster. UGH.....
After Greg turned off at mile 11, I plugged into my ipod for some much needed tunes. By mile 14 I was feeling really tired. I had to stop many times to stretch my Achilles tendons. Not sure what was up with that. They were both screaming at me the entire run. At mile 17, we run past the LP field, which is where the finish line is. This totally sucked. Running past the finish line and seeing half marathoners finish, and even several full marathoners finish, messed with my head, and I still had over 9 miles to go. Oh man..... I walked for nearly 5 min at this point. Even though I never fully pulled out of my funk, by mile 19.5 I was feeling much better, and found I was running more then walking. I'm not against walking in a marathon. I walk through every water station, but to walk the amount I did was devastating and a blow to my ego. By mile 25 I was hot (temps reached 76*) and starting to feel really dizzy. I didn't want to walk during the last mile, but I was seriously worried I might pass out.
Finally the finish line.... Not happy with my time at all, but happy to have finished.
This marathon is super big. With over 30,000 runners, it could have been a lot more chaotic and frustrating, but all in all, not bad. I don't plan to run this one again anytime soon. If I do.... I will train differently and attack race morning differently, and maybe make sure I hadn't just run a marathon 2 weeks before.
As for the half marathon we were registered to run May 7th (tomorrow) It's been post-poned till June 18th. Our local area has been hit with some pretty serious flooding and the start/finish line looks to be right smack in the middle of all the chaos. We wont be able to run it on the new date. We have a church activity we are committed to. No worries... I've already registered for my next marathon (#17)... I'll post about that later.