We rushed into the locker room, changed into our cardio gear. We made our way into the spin room, and jumped on our bikes which were pre-set at the tension we will have on race day. I guess the man who set the tension puts them on what he claims is a 5.... girls who did this Tri last year, say it feels more like a 7, so we are training on a 7. It is tough for me to hold a 7 at the RPM's I want for 20 min. I have some work to do. The bike was the hardest on me for this reason. We can't touch the tension at all, and they watch us and time us, and check the pedometer on the bike before and after to see how far we go. We didn't check our distance today. Maybe during next weeks mock.
So like I said before the run is on he indoor track. It is a tiny track. 18 laps make a mile. I have never really run up there for more then a few laps to warm up for boot camp. I stayed on the hills of Brenda, who is the person who won the entire thing last year. She rocks! Our first mile was 7:11... wow, then she said the 2ND mile was 7:33 or something like that. We were 4 laps shy of 3 miles. So we decided our goal for race day is 3 miles. That is 54 laps around the track. We are going to try running with little clickers. The run was not to as bad as I thought it would be. I was very happy with it.
We had so much fun that we decided to try it again.... 2 more times before March 13Th. :)
So my sister received her package today, so I can tell you what I ordered. I didn't say in my last post because I sent her my old one and I knew if she knew what I ordered, she would figure it out, and I didn't tell her what I had sent. Anywho.... I got me a new GPS watch. YAY!!!!

I got the Garmin 405. I didn't ever use the heart rate monitor with my old one, so I ordered just the watch, No heart rate monitor. I haven't run with it yet, but I already love it. I am running long tomorrow, so I will be able to test it then.