I had a fabulous trip to Utah.... of course. It couldn't be anything but fabulous. I was able to see plenty of family and friends. My cup (heart) was running over with joy by the time I went home.
Just a few things we did... bullet point version.
* Sisters retreat. (I have 6 sisters, 2 sister in laws and a wonderful mother, and 1 niece that made it this year for our 10Th annual retreat in southern Utah.)
* Hiked Angels Landing at Zion National
* Saw "Tarzan" at the outdoor theater (H.O.T)
* met up with this amazing lady (Stacy)....
most of you know her as Runner Girl. Check her out. She is amazing. We were able to have dinner, chat it up and she came with us to see "Tarzan"
* Swim with lots of cousins
* Lunch out with family members
* Do plenty of hair cuts
* Play Bunco with my twin sisters group of lady friends
* Run my 13Th marathon with my older sister, Maria. It was fabulous. We had such a great time. I loved every minute of this marathon. OK, the last mile was torture for me. Hot, and I was hitting the wall fast.
* girls night out.... miss my peeps
* date night with my hubby and his family members.... I was missing him after a week and a half
* My hubby's sister is a photographer and she took our family pictures. They turned out great....