I have had a few people ask me about the story behind my tattoo. So I decided to use this as my Foto Friday, (thanks
NikeMom) It's not really much of a story. I got my first tattoo (lower back) in 2002, I don't just love that one. My younger sister had spent four years in China, teaching English, and when she got back she had a tattoo done on her right foot of the symbols for LOVE-LAUGH-HAPPINESS or something like that. I loved it. It was so cute and dainty. So I decided I needed one on my foot as well. ( 2004) I looked through her book of Symbols. I knew I wanted it to be something about running. I decided on "RUN FAR" and then of course I put the 26.2. My sis was getting one done on her left big toe of a Lilly or something. She offered to pay for mine, so I let her. ( I think it was a birthday gift)
I like my tattoo, but it is NOT as dainty as my sister's. I am very active in my religion and we are very strict about no tattoo's.. OOPS.... I hate it when my little girls want to put their fake rub-on tattoo's on their foot, or their lower back. I feel like it wasn't the best choice, and someday I will probably have them both removed.
Cool story, I was wondering what that symbol meant. In my "younger years" I really wanted a tattoo but now that I'm older the desire has faded...I think yours is tastefully done and discreet, not like a lot of them I see today....
I have wondered about the tattoo! Thanks for the story. Hope you have a great weekend.
Nice Tattoo Janice... Took me many years to get one but glad I did,
Called STAR ANGEL- A Billion Stars & 10,000 Angels ALWAYS Watching over us, So I just got a little closer to TWO of them :-) pic is on my blog.
I might get one more (small running type of tat near my foot/ankle)
Great story! Regrets..maybe.. but it is part of you now so maybe you should reconsider removing them in the future.
Hmmm...I'm torn. If you still like your tattoos and they mean soemthing to you-you should hold them dear. But if they are just there from from being young...then that's a different story. Something to think about.
Kim.. Very true. I do like the one on my foot, mostly for the meaning and because I love the 26.2 distance..... and like run Mommy said... It is a part of me now.
Aw, I'm sorry you feel that way. I have several and while I may have made a different decision now, I have zero regrets. Each one means something and takes me back to a memorable experience. They are part of me and a decision I made. They tell part of my story...
Interesting story! Thanks for sharing. In my younger years I always wanted one on my ankle, I am grateful I never got the guts up to do because I think I would now really regret it :)
Good luck this weekend, hope you're feeling better!!
Thanks for sharing- I was curious what the symbols meant. I think your tattoo is very tasteful, but I know what you mean about being an example for your kids. It's hard to tell them, "our body is a temple, and we shouldn't get tattoos/piercings/etc" when they see that you have done those things.
It's kind of like when I found out that both my parents had smoked pot before, and I thought it was so hypocritical that they would try to keep me from doing certain things (not that I really wanted to, but still). But when you get older you realize that they want the best for you, and if anything, they know from their mistakes what you shouldn't do and what the consequences are.
I wouldn't worry too much about having them removed, unless it really bothers you.
i like them!! i have a couple myself, my first one i got when i was only 17. but they are part of me now and i think i will always like them and how they represent different stages in our lives.
I've been wondering about that tattoo on your foot...I really love it! I've been wanting to get another (my 4th) that is running related myself...
Thanks for the story!
Good luck this weekend!
I get the regret thing. But I love your foot tattoo. I want one! ( : Hey, have a great weekend and good luck with your marathon! Can't wait to hear about it!
:) you are a great example to me janni! i really look up to you and admire you so much. you have lived life and learned from it and motivate me to do the same! i love love love you!!
I wondered about the tattoo. Great story.
I love your tattoo.
Have a great 26.2 this weekend!!!
I think your tatoo is waaaay cool, but I understand the regret thing. My hubby tried to convince me to get the Roman Numeral 10 on my hip for our 10-year anniversary, but I chickened out. My friend got the Christian fish symbol tatooed on her foot after her first marathon because she felt God carried her those miles. I thought that was pretty neat.
Good luck on Sunday!!!!
I'm active in your religion too and I love it and wouldn't ever pass judgment on you for having it. It's FANTASTIC!
Janice I love your tattoo! I've actually considered getting one of my own but, like you it would definitely have to mean something special. You are so down to earth..I love it!!
I had to check out the story behind the tattoo...I am obsessed with it and think it is awesome!!!
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