Friday, January 23, 2009

Foto Friday.....

It's foto Friday at Adventure seeker.

I hope tomorrow is as nice for my 12 mile run. The hubs is in Nashville till tonight, so I can't squeeze it in today. I am pretty sure my 7 year would freak if I asked her to babysit her 3 year old sister for an hour and a half while I run. Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow.
* please know that I realize the 7 year old is far to young to be babysitting.


Bethany said...

Nice isn't it! BTW, love your side note. You know somebody would write an anonymous comment or something! hehehe...

I'll pray for good weather tomorrow!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

hope you get some nice weather! LOL at your footnote.

Anonymous said...

Great job. Good luck on getting your long run in.

Denise said...

I'm running 12 tmrw, too. Have a great run!

Stacey said...

We must be on the same schedule, I am doing 12 too. Good luck with the weather and your run. Have a good weekend.

Kandice said...

Janice. You are going to be SO proud of me. I Ran....yes RAN (only at 4.5 1 WHOLE MILE on the treadmill yesterday!!! I thought of you the whole time. Even though I was going very slow...I did it! Hooray! now I only have 25+ miles to go until I am like you...Ok, that will never happen, but baby steps right???

Felice Devine said...

Fingers are crossed. I'm running 11 and hoping for the same thing. Let's all send good weather vibes out there!

Marlene said...

Can you send some of that 51F up here??

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Looks like tomorrow is a great day for 12 milers, that's my schedule too. Good luck!

Cox Clan said...

I am so jeoulous of 51 degrees. We are in the 20's and covered in smog. We had freezing rain yesterday and today which I have never experienced before. Yuck! Brian just got back from being in Nashville all week. He said it was cold but the air was good. He got home last night and says he feels that bad air coating his throat. Can you imagine what we are breathing. lol

RooBabs said...

Wow, I wish I could run 12 miles in an hour an a half, ha ha!

On the baby sitting thing, yeah, definitely too young. You should wait at least another year, LOL.

Anonymous said...

The weather here today was beautiful. I too am hoping that it holds up for a nice run.

Oz Runner said...

yeah I have my long run today too, and it's -6 with windchill this morning....I think I may wait until this afternoon when it's supposed to get up to 8 degrees or so...I'm so ready for spring...

Cheetah Girl said...

Good luck on your 12 miler chick! I completed my first # 12 yesterday! EEEK! :D My half is February 15th. Thank you for all you sweet and supportive comments! You rock! :)

Marci said...

Hope you have/had a good 12 mile run. Are you still thinking of running last chance? I am considering running the half there now, just for a road trip!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. This will keep me motivated all the way to ogden marathon- I still want a 26.2 necklace. I hope your run is great!
shayna (vernal)