Have you ever been to a horse race? They are so much fun. My husbands Grandpa and his new wife were out visiting from Utah, and we were able to take them to the Keenland horse races. My friend's hubby is the general manager of one of the local horse farms, and they hooked us up with box seats. The view was awesome, and we had a great time. Eric, my friends hubby, taught us how to bet, and we tried to understand the process... we didn't win anything, but we had fun trying.
These Thoroughbred race horses are gorgeous and they are some cut, and healthy creatures. When I come back in my next life, I want to come back as a Thoroughbred here in the Bluegrass of Kentucky. They are treated like royalty. We also took them to tour the Adena Springs Horse farm, (which is the Farm Eric runs) where we watched a breeding... that is always a good time. My little 9 year old picked this horse below to win it's race. She told her dad to bet on him, and he didn't. This horse ended up winning and she was so mad at her dad for not listening.
Oh. I am so envious right now. So very envious. (But happy for you nonetheless!)
Always listen to a child's intuition...looked like a great time!
Fun. Horses are amazingly beautiful. I got chills when you said they are treated like royalty. (I don't know why) too bad he didn't listen...could have won some money! :)
what a cute picture of you and your daughter. your husband should pay your daughter the winnings!
I've never been to the horse races! Sounds fun.
I've never been to one, but I always wanted to go. They look so fun and intnese!
I can't belive your husband....he's probably kicking himself....that'll teach him to listen :)
So fun.. Love that picture.. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Andrea Anders... http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=hts&oq=&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS290US336&q=Andrea+Anders
Seriously you could be twins..
I love horse races they are such a good time!
That's too cute! She actually picked the winning horse? Amazing. I'd listen to her from now on. :)
Do you know why and how some of the most revered 100 mile trail ultra marathons started? Because of a horse race...yep! Read about the History of the Western States 100....you'll understand also why the Belt Buckle is the prize for most 100 mile trail ultra marathons. See ya on the trails, Jarom http://www.JaromsRunningPage.blogspot.com
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