Monday, January 5, 2009

It's just a little foot pain

Saturdays 10 miler: 88 min, out & back on my favorite super hilly road. I felt pretty good considering all the crap I had eaten last week. But I did have some weird chest achenes going on, and it went on all day. It kind of made me nervous, but I was fine today. Can I whine for a second? Great, thanks...
The tops of both of my feet have been bothering me. Not while I am running, just later while walking around doing regular things, but to the point where I am limping. About 10 months ago, before I ran Boston, I visited with my Podiatrist and he showed me on the x-ray that my right foot has a small stress fracture. It hasn't gotten any worse, but it hasn't gotten any better. Now my left foot is acting up in a slightly different place then the right foot. The pain is on the top of both feet. UGH.... can we never escape pain and achenes? I guess this is something, we choose to deal with when we decide to be a runner. I am just grateful it doesn't hurt while I am running.
I think I just need more of this.


Bethany said...

Oh boy! I know the feeling. I hope it goes away fast. I'm all about a foot rub, I wonder what it would take to get the Hubbies to do it??? ;) hehehe

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should get your feet checked out to be safe. Does your foot hurt when you move it a certain way or is it just weight that is bothering it?

Ruthie said...

oh no..
take it easy..
hope it gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

I hope it gets better soon. I think that a foot rub certainly can't hurt :)

Mindy said...

Yuck! I hate the feet pains! I hope it goes away soon.

Denise said...

That sucks! Be careful and don't injure yourself more.

Marlene said...

I definitely think you need a little more of that... don't we all? And feel free to whine all you like - sometimes it helps. :)

FLYERS26 said...

Careful with the feet!
I have ankle worries now, and it isn't fun!

joyRuN said...

Do you have another podiatrist appointment coming up soon?

I always fall asleep during the foot part of any massages :)

Stacey said...

Definitely need more of that! Don't we all?? Bummer about the feet! I have had stress fractures, no fun at all! Hope they feel better quickly!

Felice Devine said...

When you find a way to get that, can you let me know?!?!?! I need some!

I hope your pain is nothing too bad :-)

Run Mommy said...

I had a LOT of massage in my training these past months an it really helps. I hope it gets better.

Cheetah Girl said...

Girl! You better take it easy! I hope it gets better... I strained my foot muscle last march and continued to run on it, making it worse, and caused me to take about a month off to heal... I almost went crazy! Hope your feet feel better soon! :)