Tuesday, August 18, 2009

aWeSoMeLy wOnDeRfuL!!!!!!

What is it about running in the rain that makes you feel so ALIVE?
I think it could be the thought of something new.
It could be the splashing you make as you run through a puddle. I sure feel like a kid when I do this.
It might be the cool rain, splashing on my face.Even though it gets in my eyes. (I still need to find me some sunglasses)
Maybe it is the look on peoples faces as they pass you while driving in their warm, dry vehicles. You know the look.... "is she crazy, or what has she been smoking" look.
Today, for me, it was the passing cars that seemed to splash me with puddle water. Like I wasn't wet enough.
Ran 7 miles this morning. It felt aWeSoMeLy wOnDeRfUl!!!!


Erik said...

I totally agree!! I love it! Makes me feel like a kid again. :)


Sarah said...

Good for you! :) I know it makes me feel younger too. I wear a baseball cap to at least keep it out of my eyes. I love running in the snow even more...so peaceful.

Denise said...

Running in the rain IS fun!! It shows how bad ass and dedicated we are!!

Anonymous said...

I love running in the rain. Except when it is the 3rd leg of Ragnar and then it just pisses me off. Or maybe that was the lack of sleep pissing me off. :)

Missy said...

OHHH, my fav, running by people eating or smoking in their cars...give em that little tsk tsk look and fly by them while they're stuck in traffic. I'm so mean.

Word verification - poohemet...sounds like something a kid would wear.

Anonymous said...

Well said! There really is something fun about running in the rain. It makes you feel more alive.

Marlene said...

Yay for a feel-good, fun, wet run!

RunToTheFinish said...

i love the is she crazy looks! I'm totally like..yes I am and I'm healthy and you suck. Ok fine that might be a bit rude and maybe they are runners too..but haha I'm running and they aren't

30somethingmama said...

Yes, I run with my sunglasses, sun, wind, rain, sleet and snow. Can't live without them. My bro hooked me up (through the bike shop) with a pair of Oakley's that don't slide down my nose from sweat or rain. Plus they are contoured just enough to keep the elements out of the eyes. You are awesome! I wish I would have read your challenge before it started, I would have joined. Happy running and thanks for inspiring us all!

CJ said...

Nice! Sounds like a good time!


Aron said...

awesome!! i am SO in need of a run in the rain right now :) cannot wait!!! hehe

kristen said...

Oh yes, the 'look'. I love getting the look from drivers. The rain is so exilerating. I've never understood why people hit the treadmill when it rains.