Saturday, January 29, 2011

What do you think of???

What do you think of when you say "I had a great long run?"

It has been weeks since I have had a GREAT long run. Remember in my last post I mentioned running with a new friend here in my new little town?? Well it didn't happen... because.... duh duh duh.... My hubby surprised me with my twin sister... that's right, he flew her out here (Ky)and I had no idea. They had it planned for 3 weeks. I walked in the door and turned the corner and BAM.... there she was in all her glory and beauty. I screamed, then jumped up and down, then hugged her super tight and cried my eyes out. I was in shock. So for my long run last Sat (which was a drop down week) I wanted to spend that time alone with the twinner so we could chat and catch up with out little girls begging for our attention. Our 12 miler went great and we felt even better. We were able to get 3 more runs in together before she left me yesterday to go back to her home in Utah.
This is the twin and I last summer. We had just hiked to the top of Angels Landing at Zions National Park in Southern Utah. I am on the right. So I got another plan together with my new running buddy. We met up at 6am at the YMCA, today. It's kind of weird meeting up with someone you have never met. But can I just say... it was great. She was absolutely adorable and we have several things in common. The pace was a tad slower then I have been running on long runs, but I didn't mind.... I had a running buddy. I don't know about Erin, but the time flew by for me. I felt great. I took a roctane GU every 5 miles (I swear by that stuff) and we finished up with 18.5 miles under our fuel belts. It was so motivating for the marathon I have coming up on March 12th. {This one is called "Land between the lakes trail run" They have a 14.2 mile run, a marathon, a 37 mile run and a 50 miler. I am hoping next March i will be ready for the 50. Click here to check it out. }

Anyways... so as for my title.

I have sore toes, one was even bloody when I got home. I have bubble gut, (everyone calls it something different) My sports bra rubbed pretty good and left some nasty chafed marks.

Y-Ouch. My neck and shoulders are tender and I am almost to exhausted to take my girls roller skating... but I had a GREAT long run, and I am one happy little runner.



Anonymous said...

Hey Janice! Since I have only seriously started running in November my long run is only 7 miles, but it still feels great. Especially since I am pushing 50, weighed 35 more pounds last year at this time and was a full time smoker. My, what a difference a year makes!

Keep going far!

Marci said...

So cool that you have a twin, must be hard living apart from each other. I love the Zion park picture. When we ran St.George this last year I wanted so bad to hike to Angels point, but it was a rainy, cold, and miserable day when we went to Zion, so we most hung out on the shuttle!

Denise said...

hubs is a keeper!!! so glad you got to see your sister!!

misszippy said...

That is the best! You've got a great hubs!

Tari said...

Mindy and I were just talking about this the other day. She called me out on daily mile because I put a :) on a work out that she could tell I was in pain on. Everytime is different sometime a good work out is the fact that I did it and I didn't think I could, sometimes it's when I know I worked hard and I'm sore the next day, sometimes it's when I actually feel great like I could go forever, and I'm on a workout high. I get ya, your not crazy it feels good to work out or run in your case even when your paying for it afterwards with bubble gut, raw skin and no toenails. :) Love ya girl so glad you found someone to run with and that you got the week with your sister :)

Adrienne said...

That is super fun to have a surprise visit like that Janice. Sounds like you are in great shape for your March Marathon. You rock.

Happy Feet 26.2 said...

"the hubs" is super sweet! I'm impressed that you made it to the top of Angels Landing. We made it until the hard, scary part started and then we chickened out.

St. George was awesome, wasn't it?

Baldwincrew-blog said...

So glad you had a GREAT run. I loved running with you in KY. Someday I just might be able to run that far with you we shall see.

Laura said...

How awesome of your hubs!
One of my 'great' long runs was a 30km run that was basically in the pouring rain. For me a lot of it is how I can feel good mentally - i.e. no wondering when is it done or negative thoughts etc...

Carlee said...

Yay! What an awesome surprise! And also yay for the awesome long run. I know those toes and sore neck muscles. I'm excited for my own training plan to get me back up to that mileage. 16 next weekend, so it's coming!

Marlene said...

YAY for a surprise visit from the twin sis!!

Cory Reese said...

Zion National Park is my backyard (although I don't have the guts to make it to the top of Angels Landing.)

You going to do the St. George Marathon again this year?


RunToTheFinish said...

awww what an adorably sweet hubby!!

a great long run you are right doesn't mean things may not hurt, it just means at the end i mentally feel WONDERFUL

Jamie said...

what a wonderful surprise!

Some great runs are painful. Yea for a great run!